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The development lifecycle


This page contains all the information about the development lifecycle of the documentation. Start here with this diagram:

This is a flowchart you can reference which has the timeline of events happening during development

flowchart TB
  beta-changes("Submit PR with changes")
  style beta-changes fill:#3395C2
  beta-pr>Beta PR merged]

  beta-changes-->|Approve PR|beta-pr

  beta-pr --> |Deploy beta version| beta-deployment{{Beta Deployment}}

  beta-pr === start-beta-release

  start-beta-release --> |Deploy new Beta version| beta-deployment

  subgraph subg ["Release Beta"]
    style subg fill:#0000, stroke:#CCCCCC, stroke-width:5px

    start-beta-release>Prepare beta for Release] --> |Deploy beta as latest| latest-deployment{{Latest Deployment}}

    start-main-release>Prepare main for Release] ==o merge-beta

    start-beta-release ==> |Merge beta with main| merge-beta>Merge beta]

    start-main-release --> |Deploy as version number into old versions| old-versions[(Old Versions)]

  main-branch ==== start-main-release

  merge-beta ==> new-beta-branch>Updated Beta Branch]
  merge-beta ==> new-main-branch>Updated Main Branch]

  beta-branch>Beta Branch]
  main-branch>Main Branch]

The highlighted blue node is where your changes will be entered into the process. You will create a Pull Request to have your code reviewed and then merged into the specified branch.

Picking a branch

At the start of each change you want to work on you will first workout which branch to use. 99% of the time you should use the beta branch so that your changes are included in future versions of the documentation.

Editing files

Starting development

To start off you will run docker-compose up to start the docker container and live reload server.

Modifying and saving markdown files

After selecting a branch you will modify any markdown files you want and save the changes. After saving, the localhost will reload and you can check your changes. For an in-depth tutorial on how to modify all files and the specific features/syntax included in this documentation check out this page.

Uploading changes

Commiting to your fork

After all edits have been made you can commit the changes to your repo. You should follow these main guidelines:

  • There is such thing as too many commits. As much as we want you to separate each change into it's own commit try to not do 100 commits.
  • Also don't do just 1 commit, if you only fix 1 file than 1 commit is fine, but if you have edited multiple files then more than 1 commit is appreciated.
  • Make proper commit messages; don't just say fixed grammar, specify the page and what section you have fixed.

Creating a PR

After you finalise your edits and have commited them all to your fork you can create a PR back to the documentation repo. Once again the same rules apply as commit messages, try to make them specific. After submitting your PR it will be reviewed and accepted by one of our admins and then it will enter the workflow found here.


Your changes will now be live here on the documentation! You can check them out by navigating to the page you modified.


This is a diagram of the development lifecycle:

flowchart LR
  pick-branch(Pick a Branch) --> start-dev(Start Development) --> make-changes(Make Changes) --> errors?{Errors?} --> |Yes| make-changes

  errors? --> |No| commit(Commit changes) --> pr(Create PR) --> |PR Approved| merge([Merge PR, start again]) --> pick-branch

Further Reading

Now that you understand the basic workflow of editing the docs you can checkout these guides to get started on editing: